'Inside the TCMA' featured Article
Comments from the Chairman
Owen Daniel  |  December 7, 2016

Dear TCMA Officers, Board, Membership, Staff and Fellow Cast-Metals Travelers—

Several weeks ago I sent out a letter urging all to look upon the bright side and to “keep the faith” during the recent difficult times in our beloved Texas Cast-Metals Industry. In essence, we have all seen down-turns before and lived to tell about it. These periods are cyclical and I advised that the sun will indeed come up tomorrow (and you need to be around to see it!). I also attempted to illustrate—with hard data AND anecdotally—that a vibrant economy depends upon spending at all purchasing levels; and that spending depends upon optimism. Lack of spending equals lack of optimism; and this attitude can even have ‘self-fulfilling’ characteristics.

Well, unless you’ve been living on Mars, you know that the latest US Presidential Election cycle has been completed and (in astounding opposition to Conventional Wisdom) the Pro-Business Republican Candidate has soundly prevailed, the electorate has sent a message loud and clear, and confidence in Our System has been restored!

Indeed, we can already see evidence of renewed commercial optimism in the ‘Market’ (ie, the day after the election—and after many weeks of value vacillation—the Market closed at an all-time high) and growth trends in other ‘leading indicators’ (copper futures—ie, ‘King Copper’ the indicator of sales of consumer good, housing, retail, automotive and etc—continues to experience it’s steady growth cycle of approx. 25%). Gold continues a downward trend (the ultimate mixed-blessing indicator of consumer confidence). The Fed will surely raise the Prime Rate next quarter (yes, I’m one of those heretics who believes that ridiculously-low interest rates are a BAD thing) and this will act as a counter to the current ‘de-flationary’ trend. Fuel prices are already on the up-swing; of course this ultimately means more ‘spending’ at the pump, but it is widely accepted that stagnant fuel & energy prices are an artifact of a stagnant economy.

Accordingly, as we head (faithfully, hopefully, and with renewed confidence) into the next ‘bull’ economic cycle, it’s time to consider once again the ad velorum blessings and benefits of your TCMA Membership. You may rest assured knowing that Your Chair, Your Board and Your Staff will continue to be vigilant and effective, and keep you informed of the Pro-business, Legislative and Regulatory issues affecting our beloved Texas Casting Industry.

We cannot do this without you. SO please take the time to renew those memberships today.

In closing I want to say that my First Year of tenure as your Chair has been very rewarding due to your generous support, and I want to wish you and yours a beautiful Holiday season, good health, prosperity and clear sailing!

Owen Daniel,
GM, Midland Mfg; TCMA Chair; NFFS GAC; SBAC Chair