Is the TCMA a
Good Investment for your Company? |
Only if you want to PROMOTE the metals industry, and EDUCATE those
individuals who create the legislation that governs it! |
Achievements of the TCMA include: |
Forging an alliance with the
Texas Commission on Environmental
Quality (TCEQ) to recognize the
important contributions of metal
casting to the Texas and U.S.
economies. |
Working with TxDOT for the
beneficial reuse of foundry sands. |
members now serve on local TCEQ
Committees to review regulations. |
TCMA member has been appointed
to serve on a state level committee,
CAP. |
The TCEQ has awarded their C2
Compliance Certificate to two TCMA
members. This certification, renewed
annually, exempts the holder from
programmed inspections by the TCEQ,
local city inspections, and the EPA. |
Membership information can be obtained by contacting Clifford Smith
(817) 485-4769 or
csmith.tcma@sbcglobal.net. You are urged to join the TCMA and
help develop a relationship of mutual benefit to our industry, our
legislators, and the people of the great State of Texas! |
If you wish to join the
TCMA now, please fill out the TCMA membership application below and
send it to Clifford Smith at
csmith.tcma@sbcglobal.net. |