TCMA Industry News
2016 AFS Government Affairs Conference
Clifford Smith  |  May 24, 2016
I was privileged to attend the 2016 AFS Government Affairs Conference with the Texas delegation. Joining metal casters from across the country and borders, we heard about AFS's reaction to the OSHA Silica Rule and EPA's plans for Greenhouse Gas Regulations for Power Plants and Ozone-Related Litigation. Taking these critical issues to Capitol Hill for our elected officials to hear was incumbent upon us.

U.S. representatives Kay Granger (District 12) and Joe Barton (District 6) were very open to hearing about the challenge before us. We met with them on two occasions to emphasize our plight. Staff members for Senators Cornyn and Cruz were aware of the over regulation of not only our industry, but also U.S. industry in general. We left Washington knowing that the Texas delegation had opened the eyes of our representatives and senators regarding the regulatory barriers we are facing.